Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coconut For Less Watering Of Your Garden

If my watering can will only hold enough to water, say, 5 pots in my container garden, I CANNOT have more than 5 pots.  Whether I have bigger or smaller containers, they all have to be watered with only 1 trip with the water bucket. That’s my firm rule for container gardening.  I hope that I can bend my rule with promising new soil blends that have coconut coir mixed-in to hold more moisture.

Let’s face it, watering pots is the bane of maintaining a beautiful and bountiful container garden. 
There’s never enough rain.  The grass sprinkler is overkill and damages leaves. If the temperature spikes above 90 degrees, I wind-up having to water the pots 2 or 3 times a day.

I do all this to keep the basil, plus my other potted herbs, vegetables and flowers from wilting on summer’s scorching days.  Hopefully, soil blends with coconut coir will keep me from having to tote so much water.

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